
Yahoo! News: World - Britain


Yahoo! News: World - Britain

James Murdoch quits board of UK news publisher (AP)

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 10:49 AM PST

AP - News International executive James Murdoch has resigned as a director of the companies that publish The Sun and The Times of London newspapers, the company confirmed Wednesday.

Parents of missing Madeleine tell of media pursuit (AP)

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 09:57 AM PST

Gerry and Kate McCann, front, arrive to testify at the Leveson inquiry at the Royal Courts of Justice in central London, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011.  McCanns' daughter Madeleine went missing from her family's holiday flat in the Algarve, shortly before her fourth birthday in 2007. The Leveson inquiry is Britain's media ethics probe that was set up in the wake of the scandal over phone hacking at Rupert Murdoch's News of the World newspaper, which was shut in July after it became clear that the tabloid had systematically broken the law. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis)AP - The parents of missing child Madeleine McCann called Wednesday for fundamental changes to Britain's media culture, saying they were left distraught by false stories and the publication of private information by a rapacious tabloid press.

UK steel town bears scars of government cuts (Reuters)

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 05:29 AM PST

Reuters - In the former British industrial powerhouse of Middlesbrough, a skyline once dominated by smoke-belching chimneys and steel mill furnaces now features a monumental piece of public art and an elegant new state college clad in silver and bronze.

UK rate setters united on pause in stimulus (AP)

Posted: 23 Nov 2011 03:26 AM PST

AP - The Bank of England's rate-setting Monetary Policy Committee appears to be in no hurry to pump more money into the British economy as it assesses the impact of its recent stimulus in the face of rising concerns over the future of the eurozone, the country's most important trading bloc.

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