
Yahoo! News: World - Britain


Yahoo! News: World - Britain

Separatist Scottish leader ponders compromise (AP)

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 02:14 PM PDT

Scxotland's First Minister Alex Salmond addresses the 77th Scottish National Party annual conference at the Eden Court Theatre in Inverness Scotland  Saturday Oct. 22, 2011.  Salmond  kicked off his campaign for full independence from the rest of the United Kingdom, pledging that his nation's future should no longer be run from London. (AP Photo/ Danny Lawson/PA)  UNITED KINGDOM OUTAP - Even as Scotland's separatist leader kicked off his party's independence campaign Saturday, he also floated a compromise option which would fall short of his cherished goal of full separation from the United Kingdom.

British couple drowns in Spanish flash flood (AP)

Posted: 22 Oct 2011 05:32 AM PDT

AP - An elderly British couple drowned after being swept away by a flash flood that coursed through a street market in southeastern Spain, officials said Saturday.

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