
Yahoo! News: World - Britain


Yahoo! News: World - Britain

Scotland gaining enthusiasm for independence (AP)

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 04:10 AM PST

A view of a Saltire flag also known as Saint Andrew's Cross, the flag of Scotland is seen flying on the side of a building in Edinburgh, Scotland Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. This week Scottish authorities announced they will hold a referendum on independence in 2014, firing the starting pistol on a contest that could end in the breakup of Britain. Scotland's history has been entwined with that of its more populous southern neighbor for millennia, and since 1707 Scotland and England have been part of a single country, Great Britain, sharing a monarch, a currency and a London-based government. But for centuries before that, Scotland was an independent kingdom, warding off English invaders in a series of bloody battles. Now a more peaceful modern independence movement thinks its goal of regaining that autonomy is finally in sight.  (AP Photo/Scott Heppell)AP - In this green swath of Scotland, you can stay at the King Robert Hotel, eat at Bruce's Bistro and drink in the William Wallace pub — all named for leaders who fought the English here 700 years ago.

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