
Yahoo! News: World - Britain


Yahoo! News: World - Britain

Bollywood star Dev Anand cremated in London (AP)

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 07:51 AM PST

Pallbearers carry the casket of Indian actor Dev Anand, surrounded by mourners and media, as it arrives at the Putney Vale Crematorium in London, Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011.  Famed Bollywood actor Anand died of cardiac arrest in London Dec. 3, 2011, and his remains are to be returned to India for immersion burial in the Godavari river. (AP Photo/Jonathan Short)AP - More than 100 people have attended a funeral for Bollywood legend Dev Anand at a small chapel in London.

UK police put phone-hack victims at around 800 (AP)

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 04:06 AM PST

AP - The total number of people whose phones were hacked by journalists at the News of the World tabloid is around 800, British police said Saturday.

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