
Yahoo! News: World - Britain


Yahoo! News: World - Britain

Analysis: Semi-detached island nation faces EU isolation (Reuters)

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 10:18 AM PST

Reuters - Prime Minister David Cameron has made history by blocking EU treaty change in a move that has isolated Britain and this detachment will define the next chapter in this island nation's notoriously tricky relations with continental Europe.

Britain chooses isolation over new EU treaty (AP)

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 10:18 AM PST

British Prime Minister David Cameron pauses before speaking during a media conference at an EU summit in Brussels on Friday, Dec. 9, 2011. European leaders are wrestling over how much of their sovereignty they are willing to give up in a desperate attempt to save the ambitious project of continental unity that grew from the ashes of World War II. At stake at the summit in Brussels, which began Thursday evening, is not only the future of the euro, but also the stability of the global financial system and the balance of power in Europe. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)AP - After the deed was done, some leaders didn't want to shake his hand. French President Nicolas Sarkozy walked right by him, as if he wasn't there.

The Good News and Bad News About That Fallen Drone (The Atlantic Wire)

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 05:23 AM PST

The Atlantic Wire - Related: Iran Calls Britons Liars, Belarus Has Op-Ed Confusion

Graphic novel app brings Dickensian London to life (Reuters)

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 07:04 PM PST

Reuters - Stroll the grimy backstreets of Dickensian London and experience for yourself the sights and sounds which inspired one of the greatest writers in English literature.

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