
Yahoo! News: World - Britain


Yahoo! News: World - Britain

Global media accuse Iran over signal jamming (AP)

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 03:10 PM PST

AP - Leading international broadcasters on Wednesday accused Iran of increasing its intimidation of foreign media and accelerating efforts to jam satellite broadcasts in Farsi from reaching Iranian audiences.

New evidence shows tabloid spied on Murdoch critic (AP)

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 02:54 PM PST

AP - Newly disclosed evidence in Britain's tabloid phone hacking scandal confirmed Wednesday that an outspoken critic of Rupert Murdoch was put under surveillance by his now defunct tabloid the News of The World.

UK parent's finger bitten off in Nativity fight (AP)

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 11:57 AM PST

AP - British police have arrested a man after a parent's finger was bitten off during a fight before a school's Nativity play.

UK's Cameron defends London's financial industry (AP)

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 07:03 AM PST

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron walks past the Downing Street Christmas tree as he leaves number 10 in London, to go to the weekly Prime Minister's Questions session at the Houses of Parliament, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011.  (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)AP - British Prime Minister David Cameron says he will demand greater freedoms for London's sprawling financial industry as his price for supporting any new European Union treaty to solve the euro crisis.

Afghan President Karzai blames Pakistan group for attacks (Reuters)

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 05:38 AM PST

Reuters - Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Wednesday blamed a Pakistan-based group for bomb attacks in three Afghan cities that killed at least 59 people on Tuesday, an allegation that could stoke new tensions with Islamabad.

British woman heads for South Pole on solo journey (AP)

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 08:21 PM PST

AP - A British adventurer says windy weather and crevasse-laden terrain have slowed her solo expedition across Antarctica, but she expects to reach the South Pole in two weeks before heading off for the other side of the frozen continent.

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